Philharmonic collectives

The Philharmonic Musical and Literature Lyceum
The Musical and Literature Lyceum was established on the 15th of August of 1945, and nowadays it is the oldest artistic group of the Gabdulla Tuqay Tatar State Philharmonia. Artists of the Variety and Concert Department, which amongst other things had been carrying out lyceum tasks from the day of its establishment in 1937, also joined the Lyceum On the 1st of January of 1994 the Musical and Literature Lyceum was rearranged and named "Opera and Chamber Music Department". In August 2012 the department was given its initial name "the Philharmonic Musical and Literature Lyceum" stating its belonging to the Tatar State Philharmonia.
The State Folk Orchestra of the Republic of Tatarstan
Художественный руководитель и главный дирижер — народный артист России, лауреат Государственной премии имени Габдуллы Тукая, профессор Анатолий Шутиков

Государственный ансамбль фольклорной музыки РТ
The State Folklore Music Ensemble of the Republic of Tatarstan is one of young but already known by broad spectrum of audience group.